
Bird Watching

Birds are the easiest group of wild animals to study in their natural environment (especially common species). One can observe their behaviour, discover the diversity of their colours and sounds – listening to their birdsong can be a special experience.

Lesvos is an ornithological paradise. Hundreds of species of birds have been observed here to date and this list grows every year with the documentation of new species. The island is located at the crossroads of three continents (Europe, Asia, Africa) and presents an impressively diverse natural environment; most natural habitats have been preserved in good (e.g., wetlands, forests) or even undisturbed (rocky islets) condition. Therefore, we are fortunate to host rare and globally endangered species that have almost become extinct in other European countries, such as Pefkotsopanakos (Sitta krueperi, or Krüper’s nuthatch), Smyrnotsichlono (Emberiza Cineracea or cinerous bunting) and Asprolaimis (white-collar reed bunting).

After the gulf of Kalloni, Sigri is one of the most important observation destinations, as the area of ​​the Petrified Forest is the main point of observation for the reed bunting.

Other special points of interest:
• Faneromeni wetland, Tapsa river estuary at the intersection with the rural road;
• Lighthouse isthmus;
• Port;
• Tsichliontas river estuary.

The best periods for bird watching are spring (with peaks in May) and autumn.
More information about birds can be found at the following links: